

The kids have just figured out that mommy and daddy have "real names" to which they have been getting a kick out of saying. So, last night I was doing the usual routine in putting the kids to bed. I'd already had the baby and Michelle asleep and I was working on Nehemaih. We read our normal two books sang "I am a child of God" and "Twinkle Twinkly little Star" and began our prayer. When i pray with Nehemiah I say something and he repeats it until we are done praying. the prayer went like this
me: please bless mommy
nehemiah: please bless mommy
me: please bless daddy
nehemiah: please bless chris.(pause) *giggleing*
me:please bless daddy
nehemiah: please bless chris *laughing*
me:please bless daddy
nehemiah: please bless chris **laughing harder**

It was really cute. He thought he was so funny.


Our son, the beat boxer?

Nehemiah was dancing around making weird sounds with his mouth so I asked him to do it again so I could record it. So he did, with pleasure, and when he finished he insisted on seeing it so I showed him, his comment was "miah awtome" haha