
So, Im Brown

Many of you probably know that my son Nehemiah loves to talk, but much of what he says isn't understandable to most. I always say that i can not wait for the day when we understand everything he's saying because he has alot to say and im sure its got to be funny! Well today i got a little piece of this funny. He was standing next to me in his underwear, and as i was admiring his beautiful skin he said "Miah brown", to which i replied, "yes, nehemiah is brown your skin is so nice" i then put his arm next to mine to compare, and said "Nehemiah's brown, what color is Mommy? is mommy brown?" "No" he said as he tapped his finger on his cheek in deep thought, "YEAH! Mommy brown!" he screamed as he pointed to one of my many moles on my arm....hahaha hilarious, there you go, i AM brown, i knew it all along!


wendymb said...

That's hillarious! He's so smart!

Um brasileiro said...

It's a beautiful. Very goodo is here.Bye.

Lindy said...

thats so stinkin cute! gotta love little kids!